这款蜂膠和麥盧卡蜂蜜口腔噴霧是我們的高品質 MGO400+麥盧卡蜂蜜和 Pro-CAPE30+新西蘭蜂膠的獨特混合物,結合透明質酸、針葉櫻桃、紫錐菊提取物和精油(薄荷、檸檬和丁香) 。天然配方的開發有助於保持口腔衛生。
- 含有天然成分的多功能產品被證明具有支持口腔衛生的有益特性。
- 配方用於支持冬季健康、口腔健康和衛生。
- 優秀的旅行夥伴,或者當您暴露在擁擠的地區時,您的首選幫助。
- 您的口腔會感到受到保護和充滿活力,喉嚨得到舒緩,口氣清新。
- 有針對性和有效的作用:泵噴霧直接在口腔粘膜上提供精細均勻的塗層。
- 無成癮性,適合為預防目的連續使用。
- 易於使用:緊湊的包裝可以很好地放入您的錢包、手套箱或將成為您辦公桌上文具的緊湊補充。
- 具有成本效益:1 瓶 = 100 劑,作為預防性口腔衛生產品,可以持續長達 1 個月的每日攝入量。
- 不含酒精。
含新西蘭蜂膠和 MGO400+ 麥盧卡蜂蜜的口腔噴霧劑
麥盧卡蜂蜜 MGO400+ (20%)、新西蘭蜂膠提取物、針葉櫻桃、紫錐菊提取物、木糖醇、
甘油、純淨水、薄荷油、檸檬油、卵磷脂、丁香油。使用前搖勻。根據需要噴灑 1-2 次,噴在舌下或直接噴入口腔和喉嚨
兒童:未經醫生建議,不得給4 歲以下兒童服用。 5歲以下兒童應由成人給藥
在辦公桌上工作,在汽車的手套箱裡 或放在您的錢包中以提供移動保護
- 避免接觸眼睛。如果發生接觸,請用流水大量清洗。
- 可能會弄髒衣服和表面。
- 不直接暴露在陽光下。
- 兒童:不得給 4 歲以下兒童服用。對於 4 歲以上的幼兒,應由成人給藥。
- 孕婦或哺乳期婦女:使用前諮詢您的保健醫生。
- 你喉嚨痛或嘴巴痛
- 你想要更清新的口氣
- 您經常發現自己身處擁擠、通風不良的區域或
- 您會接觸到病人,並希望得到更多的保護。
- 當您感到更加暴露時,您希望獲得“隨時隨地”的緊湊型補救措施和保護。
- 您經常遇到“口乾”綜合症
- 您正在接受牙科治療,例如術後或拔牙,並希望促進更快的癒合*。
- 及早主動預防口腔和喉嚨中的細菌
- 有助於保持牙齦健康,支持預防蛀牙和其他口腔感染
- 保持清新口氣
- Booster protection when in a crowded space or exposed to sick people.
- Temporary numbing effect for sore oral lining and/or throat
- Promotes faster healing after oral operation or other procedures on soft tissues.*
- Temporary boost of saliva production especially if sprayed under the tongue.
*Consult your health professional before using
The carefully selected ingredients are well known to have beneficial effects for oral hygiene:
Pro-CAPE30+ New Zealand Propolis
Propolis has been traditionally used to boost general health, improve immunity and help support the body's fight against infection. New Zealand Propolis was particularly popular in Asian countries during the SARS crisis.
New Zealand Propolis is unique, as it has been found to contain exceptionally high levels of CAPE (Caffeic Acid Phenethyl Ester) and over 150 other major caffeates and bioflavonoids that make it Nature’s “best defence” for the immune system.Helena Health’s Pro-CAPE30+ New Zealand Propolis is tested and certified to contain a minimum of 30mg of CAPE in every 10 grams of pure propolis plus at least 200mg of other major bioflavonoids in 1 ml of propolis liquid.
New Zealand MGO 400+ Manuka Honey
For centuries honey has been used by mankind to support winter wellness. New Zealand MGO Manuka Honey has become famous as the only honey in the world, containing exceptionally high levels of naturally occurring Methylglyoxal (MGO) – from 100mg – 1000mg/kg, as compared to other honeys – 0-10mg/kg. Helena Health’s premium MGO400+Manuka Honey contains a minimum of 400mg/kg of MGO.Acerola Cherry Extract
(Contains Vitamin C 100mg/bottle)Acerola contains beneficial nutrients such as carotenoids, phenolics, anthocyanins and is extremely rich in vitamin C.
Being a strong antioxidant, Vitamin C supports collagen production, protects mucus membranes, keeps the immune system functioning and help the body fight infections and viruses.
Echinacea Extract
(Contains Polyphenols)The health benefits of this versatile, warming herb have been used by traditional medicine for centuries. The most active compounds of Echinacea are polyphenols that are responsible for immunomodulatory and antioxidant activity.
Xylitol can starve the harmful bacteria in your mouth, reducing plaque build-up and tooth decay.Companies have been reaching out to us, seeking extra support for their team's wellness.
We have a wide range of Immune Support and Balancing Products including Propolis Capsules, Mouth Spray, Manuka Honey and Lozenges.
If you are one of these companies going that extra mile for your team's wellbeing, get in touch for a package deals.